Who: Petey, Mushroommon, [Open to Cats, the digimon partners of cats, and cat digimon] What: Tetha Park: Not the most relaxing park ever. When: October 1st Early afternoon Where: The aforementioned Tetha park ( Nature vs. Nurture )
Who: Jayfeather and Maya [Partners?] What: Sharing tongues Discussing Jayfeather's problems When: August 3rd, 2009, after this post, late afternoon. Where: Tetha Park
Jayfeather ran. Even though he was dreaming - and he knew he was dreaming because he could see - he ran. He knew he'd already lived these events, he'd already missed his chance, but maybe
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Who: Firestar, Jayfeather, and Heathertail [Partners, self-log] What: A discussion over heritage and family. When: April 30th, 2009. After this post. Where: D'Ango Forest